Study and solution to promote smart healthcare solutions to promote longevity of Omani Citizen


  • Budoor Al Malki Middle East College, Oman
  • Dhanalakshmi Venugopal Middle East College, Oman


Oman vision 2040, Smart healthcare solution, Dashboard, Technology in healthcare sector


The proposed Research is a study of the mechanism that patients adopt to save their personal information, time, and effort. The study also focuses on improving healthcare sectors and imbibing smart initiatives to promote longevity of  Omani citizens. The study reveals that though there is lot of technical advancements in healthcare sectors, patients reachability of those initiatives  are not upto the mark and hence a smarter e-solution is suggested that will include all services, which in turn will make it easier for both parties, clinics, and patients, to meet their needs, especially patients, due to the presence of many obstacles, which are poor management of patients’ appointments, selection of inappropriate doctors, lack of information for doctors, and others. The application also provides a dashboard which contains information on hospital and patient analytics with respect to each hospital and its specialization so that patients can choose from the best.  In conclusion, the application will be public to all members of the community and extend healthcare tools and technologies to various users and increase the usage of such technologies. The application will enable the patients to choose the best clinic and doctor based on the analytics of the service he wants, know the prices, and choose the time and day he wants. This research and proposed solution will increase the reach of Omani healthcare solutions to general public and in line with Oman vision 2040.


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Al Malki, B. ., & Venugopal, D. . (2023). Study and solution to promote smart healthcare solutions to promote longevity of Omani Citizen. Journal of Student Research. Retrieved from