Can neural networks count digit frequency?




Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Frequency, Sequence


In this research, we aim to compare the performance of different classical machine learning models and neural networks in identifying the frequency of occurrence of each digit in a given number. It has various applications in machine learning and computer vision, e.g. for obtaining the frequency of a target object in a visual scene. We considered this problem as a hybrid of classification and regression tasks. We carefully create our own datasets to observe systematic differences between different methods. We evaluate each of the methods using different metrics across multiple datasets.The metrics of performance used were the root mean squared error and mean absolute error for regression evaluation, and accuracy for classification performance evaluation.  We observe that decision trees and random forests overfit to the dataset, due to their inherent bias, and are not able to generalize well. We also observe that the neural networks significantly outperform the classical machine learning models in terms of both the regression and classification metrics for both the 6-digit and 10-digit number datasets. 


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Author Biography

Viveka Kulharia, Cruise LLC

Viveka is currently a Senior Applied Research Scientist in Cruise LLC. He completed his PhD in University of Oxford with Professor Phil Torr and Dr. Puneet Dokania.

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How to Cite

Khandelwal, P., & Kulharia, V. (2023). Can neural networks count digit frequency?. Journal of Student Research, 12(3).



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