Lost memory: what's new in the science of Alzheimer's disease and how it relates to neuroplasticity, biochemistry, biophysics and genetics


  • Henrique Peixoto Colégio Arena
  • Romulo Rodrigues
  • Samuel Nunes




Biochemistry. Neuroplasticity. Genetics. Alzheimer’s Disease. Biophysics


During a long time, scientists believed that the brain was immutable, which means that, after its development in childhood, the brain would stay the same during the entire life of the human being, which would only change once it started to deteriorate. With the revolutionary discovery that the brain can change itself and adapt under certain circumstances cause a complete change in the way that neuroscientists treated and searched neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer. This article’s purpose is to bring a greater comprehension of everything that science knows and doesn’t, about Alzheimer’s disease, bringing its epidemiology, risk factors, main causes, the best treatments e list all of this with neuroplasticity, biochemistry, biophysics and genetics.


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Author Biographies

Romulo Rodrigues

Professor of Chemistry – UFU Degree

Samuel Nunes

Master in Animal Biology and Diversity – UniUbe Master

References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Peixoto, H., Rodrigues, R. ., & Nunes, S. (2023). Lost memory: what’s new in the science of Alzheimer’s disease and how it relates to neuroplasticity, biochemistry, biophysics and genetics. Journal of Student Research, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.v12i1.1864



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