The Deterioration of the Human Genome Through Mutation Accumulation


  • Katja Spasic Clarksburg High School, Clarksburg, MD, USA
  • Hawa Camara



Genome, Mutations, Functionality, genetic deterioration, neutral


Mutations are held inside the human genome, which serves as an instruction manual for our body. The genome contains our total genetic parts, including our nucleotides, chromosomes, genes, DNA, and RNA. With the human mutation rate displaying a directly proportional relationship to each generation, concern has arisen amongst biologists. When looking at the continued accumulation of mutations, one could expect progressive decay within every function of humanity. However, the Primary Axiom would not be able to arise from this perspective. The Primary Axiom is an idea shaped by Neo-Darwinism, which states that the human race was born from one initial genome after a series of mutations and natural selection. In this paper we will review the deleterious nature of mutations and the continued deterioration of the human genome since its inception. I will start by explaining the effects of the continued accumulation of various mutations, and go on to address the process of natural selection. 


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Author Biography

Hawa Camara

Obtained a PhD in heathcare studying in Oceania. Works for a womens cancer research/screening company.

References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Spasic, K., & Camara, H. . (2023). The Deterioration of the Human Genome Through Mutation Accumulation. Journal of Student Research, 12(4).



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