Effects of Veganism on the Performance of Female High School Athletes


  • Marjorie Warren H.B. Plant High School




vegan, high school, academics, athletics, female athletes, vegan athletes, plant-based


Veganism is growing rapidly in modern society; many people are adopting the diet, excluding all animal-derived products from their eating habits. With the newfound popularity, various questions have risen regarding the sustainability and effects of the diet. Previous research has examined the effects of veganism on athletic performance and general health, yet a major demographic and knowledge gap remained. The goal of this study was to fill these gaps by determining the effects of veganism on the athletic and academic performance of competitive female high school athletes. A correlational analysis and design-based case study (DBCS) were implemented to examine correlation and causation between veganism and athletic and academic performance. The correlational analysis utilized data collected from a survey broadcasted to female high school athletes around Hillsborough County, Florida. The DBCS followed eleven competitive female high school athletes through a six-week period examining any changes throughout a switch from an omnivorous diet to a vegan diet. Data analysis led to the conclusion that veganism has a varying, but slightly positive effect on academic and athletic performance.


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How to Cite

Warren, M. (2023). Effects of Veganism on the Performance of Female High School Athletes. Journal of Student Research, 12(4). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v12i4.5749



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