Miscategorization of Arab Americans in the Decennial Census: Historical, Legal, and Social Factors


  • Sarah Behjet Northwest Catholic High School
  • Dr. Jasmine Abbosh




Arab Americans, decennial census, fair representation, MENA


Arab American representation in the United States Census has been a topic of debate for several years. The decennial census, a population survey conducted by the United States Census Bureau, aims to determine the number of United States residents with accuracy. The results of the decennial census have great implications, deciding the apportionment of seats each state holds in the United States House of Representatives, in addition to providing crucial data for the country wholly. However, Arab American representation in the United States Census has been insufficient, as Arab Americans hailing from countries such as Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and others do not have a box designated for Middle Eastern/North African (MENA) individuals. As a result, many Arab Americans select either the “White” or “Black” box when completing their censuses. This skewed data from Arab Americans negatively impacts the MENA community by causing a lack of fair representation. Only by studying the roots of Arabs in America, including their battles with discrimination and prejudice, can current social sentiment be better understood. This paper’s work seeks to solidify the inextricable relationship between past and present, culminating in current Arab American representation in the decennial census, along with future directions for the community at large.


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How to Cite

Behjet, S., & Abbosh, J. (2023). Miscategorization of Arab Americans in the Decennial Census: Historical, Legal, and Social Factors. Journal of Student Research, 12(4). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v12i4.5743



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