A Systematic Review of the Effects of Meditation on Alzheimer's Disease


  • S. Spencer Park Yongsan International School of Seoul




Alzheimer's Disease, meditation, neurodegeneration, cognitive stimulation, treatment, prevention, lifestyle


Alzheimer’s Disease is a very pressing disease that presents neurodegeneration of those affected, with no foreseeable cure as of yet. While there are many treatments that may reduce the level of neurodegeneration, or treat some of the root causes, a definitive solution to Alzheimer’s Disease does not exist. Therefore, its harmful effects must be minimized to the greatest extent possible. As such, this paper reviews the current status quo on Alzheimer’s Disease treatment, including possible lifestyle choices that have caused Alzheimer’s Disease or could potentially contribute to reducing neurodegeneration. In addition, it also considers meditation as an adjuvant treatment to primary treatments to combat Alzheimer's Disease through cognitive stimulation. By reviewing the current scientific literature of meditation where it stands, the aim is to establish meditation as a clear addition to boost the efficiency of prior Alzheimer’s Disease treatments including but not limited to pharmacotherapy, behavioral therapy, and cognitive therapy.


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How to Cite

Park, S. S. (2023). A Systematic Review of the Effects of Meditation on Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Student Research, 12(4). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v12i4.5699



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