​​Auditory Sensitivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Assessment, Challenges, and Therapeutic Approaches


  • peter liu Greens Farms Academy




Neuroscience, Autism, ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Hyperacusis, Decreased Sound Tolerance, Hearing Disorders, Hearing Sensitivity


In recent years, our understanding of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has evolved, allowing us to better understand and treat those affected by it. ASD affects behavior, physical aspects, and social development in millions of individuals nationwide. Among ASD the challenges faced by individuals with ASD, hyperacusis (reduced sound tolerance) is commonly found. This paper examines ASD's link to auditory sensitivity, especially hyperacusis, covering symptoms, causes, and interventions. Interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and desensitization methods show promising results in alleviating symptoms of those with ASD. In conclusion, tailored approaches are needed for complex ASD challenges and treatment varies by individual. In order to better treat ASD, more research must be done to better understand the etiology and intricacies of this disorder. This paper emphasizes the significance of understanding ASD nuances and auditory aspects, promoting research for enhanced autism spectrum lives.


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References or Bibliography


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How to Cite

liu, peter. (2023). ​​Auditory Sensitivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Assessment, Challenges, and Therapeutic Approaches. Journal of Student Research, 12(4). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v12i4.5631



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