Evaluating the Effect of the Opioid Epidemic on Pregnant Women and Newborns in America
Opioid epidemic, Pregnant women, Newborns, Opioid use during pregnancy, Effects of Opioid Crisis, Mental Health, Prenatal Conditions, Neonatal Conditions, North AmericaAbstract
The opioid epidemic in America has emerged as a critical public health challenge, affecting various parts of the population. Among the vulnerable groups impacted, pregnant women and newborns bear a significant burden of the crisis. This literature review aims to evaluate the effects of the opioid epidemic on pregnant women and newborns in America, by investigating the prevalence of opioid use during pregnancy, existing healthcare interventions, and socioeconomic and psychological factors that play a role in this crisis. Adverse maternal outcomes, such as mortality and morbidity, and neonatal challenges, including Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, are also examined. Based on the findings, the best strategies to combat these issues are improving access to treatment and support services, integrating mental health care with prenatal services, and enhancing medical education and training for healthcare providers involved in the care of pregnant opioid users. This study seeks to highlight the urgent need for collaborative efforts from policymakers, healthcare providers, community organizations, and the public to address the impact of the opioid epidemic on pregnant women and newborns effectively.
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