Optimizing the Space Debris Removal Process: An In-Depth Analysis of Current Debris Removal Technologies


  • Georgios Adamopoulos Lake Travis High School




Space Debris, Active Debris Removal, Active Debris Removal Technologies, Efficiency Simulation, Cost Analysis


As humanity progresses towards mainstream space transportation and eventually space colonization, the accumulation of space debris orbiting around Earth has become critical, jeopardizing safety, operational economics, and ultimately overall success. The scope of this project is to analyze data from existing technologies - some still “concepts” and some in early commercialization stage - to pinpoint the most efficient technology in removing debris. Efficiency is a function of both the removal volume (effectiveness) and operational costs associated with the debris removal technology. Primary and secondary research was conducted to identify the most prominent technologies, collect data associated with their operation, define the main cost categories, assume relative cost relationships across the various technologies (in reference to the cost categories) and quantify their ability to remove various debris types and volumes. Eventually each technology was described via a “Total Cost” (a mathematical formula summarizing the various cost types) and a “Total Efficiency” (calculated as Removal Capacity over Total Cost). Given the large number of independent variables (for which only a min/max value range and a normal distribution could be assumed) a simulation code was programmed in Python to generate a population of outputs (for Total Cost and Efficiency) based on millions of random input values (for the independent variables). Out of a list of seven technologies (OrbitGuardians, Astroscale, Clearspace, Aurora, D-Orbit, Airbus RemoveDEBRIS Net and Airbus RemoveDEBRIS Harpoon), Astroscale is best technology in terms of efficiency because of its extreme reusability and its unique mechanism of driving debris out of orbit.


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Adamopoulos, G. (2023). Optimizing the Space Debris Removal Process: An In-Depth Analysis of Current Debris Removal Technologies . Journal of Student Research, 12(4). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v12i4.5244



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