Defusing the Ticking Bomb
Legislation that Confronts Climate Change through Clean Energy
Renewable Energy Transition, Energy Policy, Climate Change, Energy Reform, Renewable Energy, Carbon Pricing, Emission Reduction, Carbon Tax, Clean Energy, Emissions Trading Scheme, Energy Leapfrogging, Grid DecarbonisationAbstract
This paper analyzes various policies in efforts to determine a feasible and effective next step in advancing energy policy and climate action in the United States. Research consists of a review of literature followed by meta-analysis. The secondary research portion calls for an acceleration of the renewable energy transition, emphasizing the importance of energy reforms. The review acknowledges obstacles hindering the transition such as renewable energy variability and storage limitations. The section calls for technological advancement and identifies four policy targets; investment, accessibility, pricing, and expansion.
The review of literature is followed by meta-analysis of aforementioned policy targets by analyzing and comparing five sources, each pertaining to a different policy area. Primary research identifies renewable energy investment using revenue sourced from carbon pricing and fossil fuel subsidy dissolution as the most efficient and feasible next step in strengthening U.S. energy policy, concluding with a call to action in light of findings.
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