Exploring the Influence of East Asian Culture Tendencies to Judge Others Based on Familial Factors
East Asian, Familial Factors, Logistic Regression, Implicit Bias Test, Courtesy Stigma, Confucian CollectivismAbstract
This study aimed to explore the influence of familial factors on prejudice among East Asians, considering the ambiguous impact of Confucian collectivism. To achieve this, a literature review was conducted to examine previous research on prejudice and its association with familial factors. The study employed the Implicit Bias Test and collected data from a voluntary sample of 33 East Asian individuals. The results of a logistical regression test (p=4.31 e -0.5) demonstrated that the participants placed considerable importance on familial factors: parental income, parental occupational prestige, and parental education. These findings indicate a significant influence of familial qualities in the judgments made by East Asians. However, further investigation is necessary to understand the specific role of Confucian culture in shaping these dynamics (Rsq =0.532). Overall, this study contributes to the existing literature and highlights the need for additional research to fully comprehend the complex interplay between familial factors, prejudice, and cultural influences among East Asians.
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