Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases in Southeast Asia
risk factors, cardiovascular diseases, Southeast AsiaAbstract
Cardiovascular diseases, which include coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral artery disease, and aortic atherosclerosis, constitute the leading cause of death worldwide. In Southeast Asia, the annual mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases is increasing. As there is limited review literature on the risk factors of these diseases in the region, an examination of articles, periodicals, and reports from online databases worldwide can deepen our insights into the risk factors pertaining to Southeast Asian populations. The review finds two main types of factors of cardiovascular diseases that are mainly responsible for the high mortality rates of cardiovascular diseases in Southeast Asia: biological and environmental. Among biological factors, high sodium intake and tobacco consumption account for increased risks of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, while environmental factors - air pollution and noise pollution - contribute to vasoconstriction, thrombosis, and coronary heart disease. From the findings in this review, an emphasis on regulations and guidelines to address these risk factors can thus reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular disease and solidify the wellbeing of millions in Southeast Asia.
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