The Effects of Rising Caffeine Consumption in Adolescents


  • Yuli Melamud Cresskill High School



caffeinated drinks, caffeine, adolescent health


In recent years, the growth of companies selling caffeinated beverages has led to a rise in the caffeine consumption of adolescents. While there are many studies examining the effects of caffeine in adults, there are significantly less findings regarding its effects in adolescents, even though caffeine is likely to affect each demographic differently. This literature review examined the positive and negative effects of caffeine specifically on adolescents. While there could be a few positive effects on athletic and cognitive performance, most of the existing evidence suggests that caffeine is harmful to adolescents’ sleep, mood, and physical functioning. Therefore, until more research is available, limiting caffeine intake in adolescents could help prevent potential harmful effects.


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Melamud, Y. (2023). The Effects of Rising Caffeine Consumption in Adolescents. Journal of Student Research, 12(1).



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