Understanding the Current China-US Relationship through the "Thucydides Trap"
International Relations, US-China Relations, Thucydides Trap, Globalisation, Global Crisis, Ethnicity, China, SovereigntyAbstract
This paper investigates the theory of the "Thucydides Trap”, including its theory, validity, and exceptions in history. Based on an analysis of the events that correspond to and support this theory from ancient times to the present, the four criteria applicable to the Thucydides trap are summarized: national safety, economic interests, competitive global status, and ideological difference. The paper analyzes the four criteria with regard to the "China-US relationship", and concludes that the conflict between the two countries will be more focused on economics, technology, and politics rather than war. Furthermore, to avoid the worst outcome between the two countries, mutual respect is necessary even if the two countries try to compete with one another.
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