Evidence of Gender Inequality in Agriculture Related to Climate Change

Specifically in Developing African Nations


  • Wandi Feng San Domenico High School
  • Mackenzie Homan




Africa, Agriculture, Gender Inequality, Females, Climate Change, Environmental Justice


When considering the negative effects of climate change, its  relevance to a person’s socio-economic status and cultural background is often ignored. In other words, climate change affects everyone, but its effects on different individuals and groups differ due to long standing inequalities in human society. The importance of gender discrimination in particular is in deseperate need of additional attention during this unprecedented global environmental event.

A plethora of research  articles and data show that women are affected disproportionately by climate change. To expand, sexism in relation to climate change is especially evident in agriculture. In this case, negative impacts of climate change are further intensified due to the industry’s close connection with the environment. Therefore, additional research should be dedicated towards understanding the discrimination against female farmers, and thus it is the focus of this essay. 

The essay focuses on developing African nations where conventional agriculture is the main source of income. By using previous research and database searches from scientific journals, governmental websites, and international organizations, the increasing burdens on female farmers in climate crises will be analyzed. Throughout the investigation, it was discovered that African rural women are excessively exposed to climate change threats and lack adaptability. When viewing this through a holistic lens– acknowledging the cultural and historical backgrounds of Africa–it was concluded that subordination of rural women in all contexts is responsible for their predicament in climate crises. To address these issues, the essay proposes potential solutions from educational, economics, and political perspectives.


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Feng, W., & Homan, M. (2022). Evidence of Gender Inequality in Agriculture Related to Climate Change: Specifically in Developing African Nations. Journal of Student Research, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v11i3.3869



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