Parenting Styles and Their Effect on Child Development and Outcome
parenting styles, emotional intelligence, developmental outcome, infleunce, effect, depression, academic achievment, career readinessAbstract
Parenting is one of the primary influences on child development. There is extensive research investigating the association between parenting style and child outcome, from preschool to college years, and in different countries and cultures. This article will review the pertinent literature available on this topic to investigate which aspects of child development are influenced by different parenting styles, and which parenting style is associated with best outcomes. A significant number of studies regarding parenting strategies and their effect demonstrate that parenting style directly influences children’s psychosocial development and outcome. Multiple articles published across the world found that the authoritative parenting style was associated with better overall outcome, higher emotional regulation and lower behavioral problems than any other type of parenting. Outcomes such as school achievement, resilience, social competence, adjustment and prosocial behavior were evaluated in the studies we reviewed; best scores were associated with the authoritative parenting style. Clear evidence supports this parenting style and the two dimensions of parenting (warmth and responsiveness) as the most effective strategies in raising children to become competent, successful, and happy adults. Therefore, most experts, including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), recommend the authoritative parenting style, as proven to be strongly associated with positive behavioral outcomes, and good mental health in children and adolescents.
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The Journal of Genetic Psychology , 177 (5),
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