The Effectiveness of VAT in Alleviating Stress


  • Vishnumaya Nair Gifted Gabber
  • Jothsna Kethar Gifted Gabber



Vibroacoustic therapy, VAT, Sound, Sound Therapy


Stress is one of the leading problems in terms of health and thousands of people die from it every day. Additionally, stress is worse when you have a pre-existing medical condition. Stress has a major impact on millions of people worldwide and pain is often found in society. Stress is considered to be one of the leading epidemics in this world and there has to be a way to promote consistent mental well-being in humans. Vibroacoustic Therapy or VAT for short can be the solution to this problem. We can use low sound frequencies to improve the quality of human life and to heal people of the stress found in their lives. In this research paper, the question of whether VAT holds up validity in reducing stress levels will be answered and future implications of this therapy will be discussed. Although VAT can also reduce physical pain, the specific topic of stress will be discussed throughout this paper and a baseline of knowledge regarding VAT will be established so that other researchers can do further exploration into this topic. 


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Nair, V., & Kethar, J. (2022). The Effectiveness of VAT in Alleviating Stress. Journal of Student Research, 11(4).



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