The Central Mechanisms by which illicit drugs lead to addiction


  • Riya Ubeja Dublin High School
  • Caroline Szujewski



addiction, DSM-5, Withdrawal, ventral tegmental area, nucleus accumbens, dopamine, serotonin, hallucinogens, Drug theories, the Reward System, GABA interneurons, neurotransmitters, animal studies, human studies


Addiction has been a prevailing issue throughout the world as the effect it has on individuals can be highly detrimental to one’s health. There are multiple brain areas involved in the development and recurrence of drug addiction, but the most well-known is the reward system. The reward pathway is a midbrain region that consists of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the nucleus accumbens (NAc). After decades of research, it is well established that many illegal drugs cause the VTA to release dopamine in the NAc. This ability to cause the release of dopamine in the reward pathway is theorized to be the primary cause of what makes a substance addictive. Illicit drugs that increase the release of dopamine, such as Cocaine and Meth, both do so in this reward pathway. The cells become overstimulated which leads to feelings of pleasure and exhilaration. This theory regarding dopamine release is well accepted, however, illicit drugs that are thought to be dangerous do not only affect the dopaminergic system but also the serotonergic system. This is of particular importance right now as there is continuous research that shows how hallucinogens have a number of beneficial effects due to serotonin. In particular, serotonin is responsible for emotions and judgment in the brain and provokes intense feelings of happiness and well-being. However, there is a high potential for abuse, and many side effects. This research paper discusses a plethora of drug theories and their potential for them in the future.


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How to Cite

Ubeja, R., & Szujewski, C. . (2022). The Central Mechanisms by which illicit drugs lead to addiction. Journal of Student Research, 11(4).



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