Exploring the Hidden Potential of Bacteriophages 3-Part Miniseries


  • Nika Ilieva Bath Academy
  • Anthony Nemecek Bath Academy




Bacteriophages, Bacteria, Bacterial infections, Virology, Biology, Agriculture, Ecology, Medicine, Health


Bacteriophages are viruses that specifically infect bacteria. They can be found everywhere: in the oceans, on plants, and within the human microbiome. Bacteriophage fall into two categories: lytic and lysogenic. Lytic phages have been used for the treatment of various bacterial infections. Lysogenic phages have the potential to act as a vector for bacterial genetic manipulation through the introduction of key genes via horizontal gene transfer. This process would result in the introduction of engineered genetic material to bacterial hosts, for instance to change the behavior of gut bacteria without impacting the human host or requiring complex procedures. Therefore, bacteriophage could be used for the targeted treatment of a multitude of complex diseases, including antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections, sexually transmitted infections, bacterial dysbiosis, cancer treatment, and potentially hormone/ metabolite replacement therapy. Similarly, bacteriophages are in use for the prevention and eradication of agricultural pests and offer relief from antibiotic overuse by the meat industry. These organisms could even be used to stave off parasite-induced honeybee colony collapse. Indeed, genetic manipulations of bacteriophage could be employed as a novel method to increase oceanic carbon capture, methane fixation, and plastic degradation to reduce the levels of pollution contributing to environmental toxicity and climate change. This three-part mini review series highlights phage biological processes and the correlated potential areas of application, making an argument for an increase in phage research while presenting the field’s current limitations and the future of innovative solutions for some of the most pressing problems of the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Ilieva, N., & Nemecek, A. (2023). Exploring the Hidden Potential of Bacteriophages 3-Part Miniseries. Journal of Student Research, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v11i1.2386



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