Proposed Study on the Art Therapy as a Means of Communication between Foster Parents and Children
foster care, foster children, art therapy, communication, empathy, trust, interventionAbstract
This paper discusses the need to address issues within the foster care system, specific needs of foster children, the mechanisms of change of art, and proposes an intervention to facilitate a bond focused on communication, empathy, and trust between a foster parent and child. Needs of foster children are generally discussed, narrowing down to the importance of a beneficial relationship between a foster child and parent. This is shown to consist of trust and more specifically communication and empathy from the literature review. The mechanisms of change of art are then related to these needs to propose art therapy as the appropriate intervention. The different ways that art therapy can help with forming a bond and creating a sense of mutual understanding is discussed. After a thorough literature review and an interview with nine doctoral students, a 10-week art therapy intervention is proposed in detail in order to facilitate a bond between foster families with session goals and art directives.
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